Saturday, 27 September 2008


It is a fact that nowdays things whose name starts with "I" are becoming increasingly popular, like I-pods, I-tunes, I-Ching, I-taly... The new I-product is made-in-espain: the I-ham. Don't forget to take the tour and check all the peripherics available.

And as an open question do discuss about, will the I-pods conquer the Earth and make all humans slaves? Matt Groening thinks they indeed will.

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

End of the world (again)

There is some collective hysteria about the Large Hadron Collider built in Switzerland destroying the world. It's a pity the accelerator wasn't ready on the 1st of January 2000, that would have been awesome!
In any case, to cope with an exalted public opinion a website was created in order to answer everybody's question when the machine was turned on: has the Hadron Collider has destroyed the Earth yet?.

So to clear everybody's doubts, here is the website. Don't forget to check it from time to time, just in case: